Recent publications in peer-reviewed journals
A study on the optimal way to represent brand longevity in advertising
Didi Alaoui, M., Pecot, F., Merchant, A., & Kacha, M. (2024). Step back in time! A construal level perspective on advertisements using brand longevity cues. Marketing Letters, 1-16.
How to measure the perceived "heritageness" of a brand in cross-cultural market research
Pecot, F., Rose, G., Merchant, A., & Choi, S. (2023). Brand heritage across cultures: USA, France and South Korea. Journal of Brand Management, 30(1), 49-60.
Searching for the secret that gives monastic products their unique value
Paquier, M. C., Morin-Delerm, S., & Pecot, F. (2023). World of origin: The contagious ingredient of monastic products. Marketing theory, 23(3), 385-409.
How champagne brands showcase their heritage on Instagram.
Butcher, J., & Pecot, F. (2022). Visually communicating brand heritage on social media: champagne on Instagram. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 31(4), 654-670.
A study of how graphic designers visually represent brand longevity
Pecot, F., Celhay, F., Kacha, M., & Lombard, G. (2022). Expressions of the past: A practice-based approach of brand longevity visual translation in advertising. Journal of Business Research, 150, 121-133.
Case Studies
In connection with my research, I have authored several case studies exploring different aspects of how brands use the past. These cases, written in English, are available for purchase through the Case Centre.
Planning the 100th anniversary of Roy René: How to leverage history for a new strategy?
The Roy René Confectionery Is 100 years: Celebrating Brand Heritage to Sustain a New Strategy
“Outstanding New Case Writer” Award in 2021.
Recruiting employees for a luxury hotel offering a journey through time.
Managing growth in a monastery: balancing foundational values and development opportunities.
Shepherd of Souls or Shepherd of Goats: Brother Marcel's Dilemma